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Re: deer cp challenge!

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 10:25 am
by Rosugamer
PauliusOrigami wrote:Is it just me, or this guy is so rude and annoying that it makes me stay away from this forum.
Not just you, Paulius. Takes some guts to say that though.

Re: deer cp challenge!

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 11:13 am
by Swapnil Das
with all due respect, Mir, I must agree with John (Rosugamer) and Paulius.

Re: deer cp challenge!

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 1:11 pm
by HankSimon
I have to come to Mir's defense, he was not being rude; he was being relaxed, almost flippant ... but it wasn't really directed towards anyone. It's more of a style rather than an attitude. Also, at no point did MIr call anyone else rude... I think his posting was mis-read - he said "Dude."

As far as his reference points being 101% correct or being off, considering the amount of shaping involved, again I believe it is matter of style in this specific case. I also believe that if a respected and innocent bystander were to fold the CP using both the derived and the calculated references, the models would come out the same after shaping. Ease of one or the other is based on personal experience. If you're good at Math, I'd recommend the calculated method. If you are not yet good with math, I see no significant fault with Mir's approach, except that it may be unique to this model. It may not generalize to all models ... for most people, especially people who are trying to learn.

Another point that needs to be re-iterated. This is a very international group with ages ranging from 11 to over 80 years old. For many people, English is not their first language. So, we've strongly requested that people work hard to avoid using slang, and to be careful of correct spelling. Even though you may be using a phone, please try not to use phone shortcuts.... That will help to reduce miscommunications when you are 10,000 miles away from your intended audience.

Re: deer cp challenge!

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 1:56 pm
by origami_8
This time I really have to defend mir numaan, he tried to help and his reference isn't that far off. Probably it is possible to fold the model with this reference point without further problems. To call him rude just because of that is not okay.

Re: deer cp challenge!

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 2:25 pm
by Swapnil Das
That's what I told everyone. But the last comment was true, though. Please delete that comment, Anna. :(

Re: deer cp challenge!

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 2:42 pm
by Mir Numaan
was Paulius pointing towards me? Anyways, thanks Anna and Hank Simon for definding me!

Re: deer cp challenge!

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 3:47 pm
by Benlewisorigami
I think that mir numaan was being totally rude when Razzmatazz posted his reference. We do have a lot of people here (not me. definitely not me) who are incredible at mixing math and origami. To be honest, I am a Freshman and I still don't understand Razzmatazz's message there when he used all that complicated math. I could probably understand it if I hadn't just woken up and started to browse the forum but whatever. But when you have people like Karol, Paulius, and Razzmatazz who really work hard to find their references and you are sometimes intentionally flippantly rude to them, that makes people not like you, Mir. It gives you a horrible, demanding reputation.
Karol definitely didn't have to do that! His cp was amazing. A M/V cp with the references in it was totally generous of him to make. And then you have sr123ification as an awkward third party who's not sticking to one side or not. He's totally going back-and-forth with his messages, agreeing with mir numaan, but when people say bad stuff to mir numaan, he also agrees with them. You can't please everyone, sr123ification. You cant.
And I get it, this forum is MADE for people to ask for help, feel free whenever to ask for help. But asking for help doesn't entitle you to ask for all the little things that are sometimes laziness on your part. And I'm not just saying this to Mir numaan. Anyone else who asks for all the little stuff without trying really doesn't get a great reputation. And mir numaan, I know you're probably not going to agree with me, but I know for a fact that a few other people do. So at least read and take into regard of what I've worked really hard to do-express mine and other people's thoughts about you in this message.

Just my two cents.

Re: deer cp challenge!

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 4:07 pm
by Dj origami
@ Benlewisorigami
Dude your ability to write great posts amazes me!


Re: deer cp challenge!

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 4:11 pm
by Mir Numaan
i never try to behave rudely but i always get a post telling me that i was rude. Don't know whether it happens because of my bad English or whatever.
And i am totally confused about the reference. Is it really of?

Re: deer cp challenge!

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 4:42 pm
by Dj origami
Lot's of people like Kafar and me can draw Cp's without references.We find ref when we are finished with cp.
The reference that Kafar posted is the most perfect one.
This is your "101%" ref ^ .

And here PERFECT ref by Kafar.

Re: deer cp challenge!

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 4:51 pm
by Kafar
Heh DjOrigami was quicker :P
here is how all 3 references presents:

Left - Mir
Center - Razz
Right - Me :D

from small pic all looks like they are ok, click to enlarge and you will notice the difference :P

Ps. the lines on main diagonal, should be inversed - that's what happens if you draw cp without folding:P

Re: deer cp challenge!

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 4:55 pm
by Mir Numaan
the final model depends on the shaping we do, so no matter what reference you use the final thing depends upon the folder.

Re: deer cp challenge!

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 4:59 pm
by Kafar
if the mistake by reference is so small like in this example, it doesn't matter, but if mistake is bigger then you won't get sometimes the right base to work on shaping.
and the real folding is different from the virtual cp - which is the perfect folds line up, that cannot be achieved on real paper. that's why the difference in references didn't occur so obviously in the real life.

Re: deer cp challenge!

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 5:02 pm
by Mir Numaan
thats correct kafar. Now that we have the m/v cp and also the most precise refereces, why dont you participate?

Re: deer cp challenge!

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 5:15 pm
by Swapnil Das
Oh! Here's my fold:

Deer - Miyajima Noboru by sr123ification, on Flickr